You will find the highest quality vacuums in East Central Illinois at Byers Vacuum. Whether you need an upright or a canister, if you have dust allergies and need extra high filtration, if you have shag or frieze carpet, or the new extra soft high yarn count carpet, we have quality American or European made vacuums to meet your needs. Oreck, Miele, Sebo, Riccar and others. many have warranties that last longer than most inexpensive Asian vacuums, and unlike those brands, you have local service.
When I started in business in 1973, the cheapest Hoovers & Eurekas in the box stores would still last for decades with minor repairs, of course they cost more than the cheapest box store vacuums today(not even counting inflation). Today most vacuums sold in box stores, like Hoover, Eureka, Dirt devil, Bissell, Shark, and even Dyson are built in China, Korea, or Malaysia, with a very few coming from Mexico or Hungary. Most of the under $300 ones are built with components that will wear out in just a few years of normal use. Some brands don't even sell repair parts, as they assume they are selling inexpensive throw away products. Most of the vacuums we sell are designed to last many times longer, many are even warrantied for 3-10 years. Some of the brands we sell are only sold through servicing dealers to make sure you can keep your vacuum in perfect running order. A few box store vacuums come with long warranties but there is no service center within 100 miles that will honor the warranties. We stand behind what we sell.
I talked to a customer that had a $250 box store vacuum with a 5 year warranty. When it broke after 3 years, he was told to cut off a certain part and send it to them and they sent him a new vacuum (one that wasn't nearly as expensive as the one he had, it broke in 2 weeks). Apparently they can build 1 in China a lot cheaper than they can fix one paying US wages.
You get 2 kinds of service at Byers vacuum. Before the sale we ask a lot of questions and help you find just the right vacuum for your particular needs. We have dozens of different vacuums so you can find the one that has the combination of features you need. One vacuum does not fit all, any more than 1 car meets everyone's needs. We will ask about how much filtration you need, the types of surfaces you are cleaning, how many levels, etc. and show you the vacuums that will meet your needs. We have a huge selection of different vacuums and to just look at all the vacuums out there can be confusing. We help you narrow your choices down. And of course SATISFACTION is GUARANTEED. If your new vacuum doesn't do the job in your home, bring it back in good condition within 3 business days and we will give you a full refund or exchange. And we carry the bags, belts, filters, etc. for all the vacuums we sell.
After the sale, we take care of your vacuum for you. Many of our new vacuums have factory warranties of 3, 4, 5, or 10 years. We honor the warranty on any vacuum we sell. Some also come with some free tune-ups. Also on any vacuum we sell, if it should need service, your vacuum is done ahead of machines not purchased from us. Why shouldn't our customer get priority service? Also we give you a discount on parts & labor on any non warranty work on your vacuum as long as you own it.
If you've done business with us, I thank you. If you are unhappy with how we served you, please contact us. If you're satisfied, I'd appreciate it if you'd take a few minutes to provide feedback on your experience with Byers Vacuum Cleaner & Sewing Machine Sales & Service. You don't have to be a current member on Angie's List to leave a review, and there is no cost for you. If you are unhappy with us, Angie's list would like to know that too, but I'd appreciate it if you'd tell us first & see if we can make it right. We want to treat our customers fairly, the way we want to be treated.
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The Bible says, "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind". While we shouldn't be afraid of Covid19, we can act in love towards others by not doing things that might spread the disease(many healthy people can have Covid19 without manifesting symptoms). We can also pray for wisdom for our leaders. The Bible says we are to "lift up all those in authority". This was written at a time the Roman emperor was killing Christians, so whether or not one agrees with our leaders, we should pray for them to make the right decisions.
Jesus said "no one comes to the Father except through me" Many people say there are many ways to heaven, but that isn't what God's word says. Christ died for my & your sins, and rose from the dead so that we might have Eternal Life. Do you have eternal life yet? If you're not sure, this page from Campus Crusade for Christ may help.
My Church
I am a member of Living Word (the geodesic dome building by the interstate in St Joseph). We are blessed with a pastor who has the gift of teaching. Services are normally at 9:30 on Sunday morning. Due to the Corona virus, Wednesday night live services were cancelled, but have re-started on a limited basis(1st Wednesday of every month). On the other Wednesdays there is a new message from Pastor Mike available to watch on the internet (or later at your leisure). If you can't make it in person, Sunday's service is live streamed and also watchable later. Living Word also emphasizes children's ministry, so bring the kids and ask an usher which classroom your child will be in. They'll learn Bible stories and memorize scripture.