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The Bible says, "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind". While we shouldn't be afraid of Covid19, we can act in love towards others by not doing things that might spread the disease(many healthy people can have Covid19 without manifesting symptoms). We can also pray for wisdom for our leaders. The Bible says we are to "lift up all those in authority". This was written at a time the Roman emperor was killing Christians, so whether or not one agrees with our leaders, we should pray for them to make the right decisions.
Jesus said "no one comes to the Father except through me" Many people say there are many ways to heaven, but that isn't what God's word says. Christ died for my & your sins, and rose from the dead so that we might have Eternal Life. Do you have eternal life yet? If you're not sure, this page from Campus Crusade for Christhttps://www.cru.org/how-to-know-god/would-you-like-to-know-god-personally.html may help.
My Church
I am a member of Living Word (the geodesic dome building by the interstate in St Joseph). We are blessed with a pastor who has the gift of teaching. Services are normally at 9:30 on Sunday morning. Due to the Corona virus, Wednesday night live services were cancelled, but have re-started on a limited basis(1st Wednesday of every month). On the other Wednesdays there is a new message from Pastor Mike available to watch on the internet (or later at your leisure). If you can't make it in person, Sunday's service is live streamed and also watchable later. Living Word also emphasizes children's ministry, so bring the kids and ask an usher which classroom your child will be in. They'll learn Bible stories and memorize scripture.